We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources.



At Welkin, we strive to impart the best in class learning experience to our students. We believe in a holistic approach towards education so that the students are equipped with all the skills requisite for a successful life ahead.



Our vision is to set a benchmark in academics and to furnish such human assets which prove their mettle in every sphere of life. We believe in fostering an inclusive community which upholds the highest standards of human values, preparing students to thrive in a diverse world. Join us in shaping a future of excellence and compassion.


At Welkin, we pride ourselves on providing the best in class learning experience to our young learners where everyone is encouraged to reach their full potential. Our dedicated team of highly qualified educators is committed to impart holistic education which encompasses both academic excellence and personal growth.

We Offer:


Professional growth opportunities.


Inclusive and supportive environment.


State-of-the-art facilities and resources to enhance the learning experience.


Community engagement.


Student-centered approach.

We sow the seeds of excellence to harvest impeccable results as we believe that nurturing a culture of dedication, innovation, and continuous growth leads to the success and fulfillment of every individual within our community. If you share our passion for the pursuit of excellence, come join us on a transformative journey to nurture the aspirations of countless young minds, giving them the wings to fly and the courage to soar high.

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WELCOME MESSAGE From the Chairman SRM Welkin

At Welkin everyone is encouraged to get involved to his maximum capacity and to do his best. The experiences that every student will have during his lifetime will equip him for life in the present demanding and fast-changing world a world that plays a key role in shaping their future.

Official School Anthem

Staff Leader board
Student Leader Board